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Useful Tips for People With Emotional Support Animals

People with pets will go on endlessly about the joy and happiness they get from having pet animals. It is no surprise as pet animals have been known to reduce stress hormones in their companions and alleviate the stress and depression in their companions. By taking proper care of the pet and fulfilling its energy, health, and diet needs, your pet will be a source of comfort. Their therapeutic qualities allow pets to become great emotional support animals.

What is an Emotional Support Animal?

Emotional Support Animals or ESA are pets that are designated support animals through an emotional support animal letter. People who suffer from  Mental disorders tend to keep ESAs, as they help them cope with their mental health difficulties. These pet animals don’t need any specific training and their presence alone can help their human companions get their mental disabilities under control. 

You will have to apply for an ESA letter to authorize your dog as an ESA. The letter comes in the form of a prescription from a licensed mental health specialist, who assesses your condition online or in person. You will be prescribed the letter if the specialist deems that having a pet animal will help you with your condition.

With the letter with you, you can travel by air with your ESA in the passenger cabin with you. Moreover, you can also bypass any unfair ‘no-pet’ policies put up by landlords and can occupy a rental space with your pet ESA.

How to make your ESA experience better?

To allow for a better experience with your pet animal you should keep in mind the following tips:

Keep your animal satisfied and happy

Animal satisfaction and their happy mood depend upon getting enough space to move around, getting plenty of exercise, receiving proper care in diet and grooming, etc. Each animal shall have different requirements, but you should do your research into their needs and requirements and fulfill them. 

For example, a dog that has been provided plenty of exercise becomes calmer, affectionate, and supportive. Pet dogs that have been neglected tend to be the opposite: depressed, lethargic, and irritable. In order for your pet to support you, you need to make sure it’s happy and active.

Keep an annually updated ESA letter with you

Update your ESA letter annually by going through the session process again. This becomes important if you tend to travel by air a lot, as airlines might deem your letter outdated after a year. 

Train your pet for obedience and sociability

To allow for a smooth living you should train your pet to become obedient to your command and adapt to new environments and new people. An out of control pet might cause you more anxiety and unrest due to its behavior, especially during your travels.

Inform the airline carrier in advance about the ESA

When you decide to travel by air, you are better off informing the airline carriers in advance. Early information will allow them to ensure that your pet is accommodated in the best seating possible. This will allow a comfortable flight for you and your fellow passengers. A pet canine for energetic assistance for example with the emotional support dog letter with canning the individual has a standard presence by giving limitless love and tenacious assistance either during going by means of air or while staying inside the house.

Take your property owner under your confidence

When renting a new apartment many pet owners have to deal with landlords who are against having pet animals inside the property. Even though the ESA gives you the right to override the ‘no-pet’ policy, instead of forcing your way into the property make sure that you assure that landlord about your pet’s obedient and good behavior. It is best if you provide a training certificate if you have any. You can also offer the landlord compensation for any damage caused by your pet.

Related Resources :

4 Brilliant Emotional Support Animals

What Conditions Can Qualify You For An ESA?

How To Spot A Fake ESA Letter Online?

What If You Bring Your ESA Cat Home Without An ESA Letter?